Aerial Intruder was clearly inspired by Futuron’s Stardefender 200 from 1987. Both have detachable twin pods to either side of a large central windscreen.
Mark Pospesel (Coding and Other Stuff)
Coding, tech, living abroad, travel, hiking, vintage plastic bricks
Aerial Intruder was clearly inspired by Futuron’s Stardefender 200 from 1987. Both have detachable twin pods to either side of a large central windscreen.
Through a clever brick-built mechanism, raising the central windshield on the Aerial Intruder lowers the ramp, allowing the two mini rovers to roll out. Lowering the windshield then raises the ramp.
Aerial Intruder, 1991. Blacktron II flagship has twin detachable fighter pods, twin mini rovers, and a jet pack stashed in the rear.
Using SKShapeNode to display a dotted line of proposed route to the selected tile. The changes to the route as the destination tile moves provide insight into how GameplayKit’s path finding algorithms work.
GIF of the climbing team in action. I’m thinking about showing a dotted line of the proposed route for each climber when selecting destination. The 3rd and 4th climbers are starting to yawn by the time I get them going.
Today I worked on turning one climber into a team of climbers. Each climber can be selected and independently moved. Next we need to rope them together. We’ll also need to give each climber a unique appearance.
M:Tron’s Mega Core Magnetizer has a steering mechanism manipulated via a large radar dish.
Spectral Starguider has a clever rear steering mechanism.
Spectral Starguider has shock absorbers on the front four of its six wheels.
Large ground vehicles 1985-91