Galactic Scout, 1992. Cute little flyer with posable wings and control panel. I ❤ these tiny sets.
Mark Pospesel (Coding and Other Stuff)
Coding, tech, living abroad, travel, hiking, vintage plastic bricks
Galactic Scout, 1992. Cute little flyer with posable wings and control panel. I ❤ these tiny sets.
That’s it for the 11 LEGO Space sets from 1991 (9 Blacktron II + 2 M:Tron). That was a lot of transparent neon yellow green! Next up: 1992. Will there be any relief for my bleeding eyes?
There were six interchangeable Blacktron II pods across the largest four sets.
Space bases 1987-91
Alpha Centauri Oupost, 1991. Blacktron II base features a mid-sized spaceship, a small rover, a landing pad, a hilltop base with large transparent panels, electric lighting, and five astronauts.
Although if I do generate the path in forward order, I get an unintentional animated effect from the change in the dash pattern that actually looks kind of cool.
I’m experimenting with showing routes in progress for each climber. The CGPath of the SKShapeNode needs to be recalculated with each move so that the path can “disappear” as the climber follows it. The path is generated in reverse order (starting from destination tile node) so that the dash pattern is constant .
What are the chances that any laptops get refreshed at the 27 March Apple event? (I’m in the market for a laptop soonish.)
Preparing my own sashimi for lunch never gets old.
Large spaceships 1987-91