LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 21: Galaxy Explorer (928), 1979. This large-sized OG spaceship is the quintessential LEGO Space set. Came with a small base, landing pad, four astronauts, and a small rover that fit in the rear.
Category: LEGO
Day 20: Space Transporter
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 20: Space Transporter (924), 1979. Mid-sized OG spaceship. Came with two astronauts, a forklift, and a cargo crate.
Day 19: One Man Space Ship
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 19: One Man Space Ship (918), 1979. Smallest of three enclosed OG spaceships.
Day 18: C-3PO
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 18: C-3PO (5002948), 2015. “It is I, LEGO C-3PO. You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.”
Day 17: Flyer Cracker U.S.A.
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 17: Flyer Cracker U.S.A. (1974-2), 1989. Town helicopter with a tiny fuel depot.
Day 16: Flying Machine
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 16: Flying Machine (2539), 1998. WTF even is this thing? Same dude as yesterday only this time flying something far less cool. Oh well, at least it came with some black wings I can put on that dragon.
Owen vs Bat Lord
Owen vs Bat Lord
Day 15: Bat Lord
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 15: Bat Lord (6007), 1997. Basil the Bat Lord on his trusty dragon steed. Worth it for the dragon alone.
Day 14: Catapult
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 14: Unnamed (1843), 1996. Catapult carts were a recurring theme in Castle sets. This one isn’t half bad (some were really tiny).
Day 13: Medieval Knights
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 13: Medieval Knights (6105), 1993. 4 minifigs, weapons, and a horse. My favorite is the Wolfpack guy. The halberd and the plumes on the dragon helms feel overly elaborate.