Castle Bag 26

Lion Knight’s Castle Bag 26/26: We add a stone ramp leading up to the drawbridge and we assemble a contingent of three Black Falcons. The squire gets to carry a huge backpack. And that’s it. Build complete. That was by far the largest LEGO set I’ve ever built.

LEGO castle with a lowered drawbridge and a stone ramp. Three knights approach the ramp while the queen sits atop her horse at the top to greet them.

Castle Bag 24

Lion Knight’s Castle Bag 24/26: We add a portcullis behind the drawbridge plus a mechanism to raise it and we put foliage on the tree. I love the beehive (and that the hive piece fits over a minifig head for shenanigans). I didn’t manage to get this built over my holiday break!

Exterior view of LEGO castle with drawbridge lowered revealing a closed portcullis behind it. A tree on the right side had lush green foliage and a yellow beehive.

Castle Bag 20

Lion Knight’s Castle Bag 20/26: We build the drawbridge with an interesting counterweight mechanism whereby its default position is raised and you pull the chains to lower it. Anyone standing on the bridge when it goes up gets dumped into the dungeon or catapulted into the keep.

LEGO Castle exterior front view with drawbridge lowered and a guard standing in the doorway.