TIL that UIColor.secondaryLabel
against UIColor.systemBackground
does not meet WCAG 2.0 AA contrast requirements. I had thought they did, but I had been ignoring the alpha component (the color is not opaque). Had to roll my own accessible secondary label color 💪.
Disassemble: Mission Commander
Next up for disassembly and storage: Mission Commander (6986), the Space Police flagship from 1989. More here: https://mpospese.com/2019/04/02/space-1989/#6986
A rare sunny winter day in Ägeri
Yesterday was a relatively rare sunny day in winter and it was beautiful.
% != modulo
TIL that the % operator in Swift is a remainder operator and not a true modulo operator. I expected -1 % 7
to return 6
, but it returns -1
Ciao Tweetbot
End of an era: I just deleted Tweetbot (my only installed Twitter client) from my phone. I’ve had that app on my phone since v1 (and it’s been my primary client since v2). I haven’t been checking it often lately, and now it’s broken. I look forward to the release of Ivory.
Frohe Dreikönigstag! (i.e. Epiphany) In Switzerland for this week only they bake Dreikönigstagkuchen (literally “3 kings’ day cake”) which comes with 6, 8, or 10 parts. One part contains a plastic wise man, and whoever gets it is king for the day. You even get a crown.
Lion Knight’s Castle: completed
Here’s what the whole castle looks like opened and closed. I still haven’t placed all the minifigs. In its closed position the castle looks attractive from all angles; there is no “back” side. I spread the build experience out over nine days.
Castle Bag 26
Lion Knight’s Castle Bag 26/26: We add a stone ramp leading up to the drawbridge and we assemble a contingent of three Black Falcons. The squire gets to carry a huge backpack. And that’s it. Build complete. That was by far the largest LEGO set I’ve ever built.
Castle Bag 25
Lion Knight’s Castle Bag 25/26: We finally finish topping off the gatehouse. I like the guard blowing the trumpet. Almost done!
Castle Bag 24
Lion Knight’s Castle Bag 24/26: We add a portcullis behind the drawbridge plus a mechanism to raise it and we put foliage on the tree. I love the beehive (and that the hive piece fits over a minifig head for shenanigans). I didn’t manage to get this built over my holiday break!