CocoaConf DC 2012

I am extremely pleased to announce that I will be speaking at CocoaConf DC (actually in Herndon, VA) at the end of June.  This time I will be giving two presentations: one on container view controllers and the other on matrix transformations.

There are a slew of expert speakers on the schedule, and I’m really looking forward to attending as well as speaking.  At CocoaConf Chicago last month I met a bunch of great developers, watched some excellent presentations, learned many things, and just generally renewed my enthusiasm for iOS development.  And the conference hotel is just a few miles from the Air & Space Museum where Discovery now resides.  So book now while early bird tickets at $200 off are still available!

Title: Implementing Custom Container View Controllers

Abstract: iOS 5 introduced the ability to create your own custom container view controllers. Prior to iOS 5 you had to use only the stock controllers (tab, navigation, splitview, etc.) or attempt to roll your own, which was a complex endeavor and often hacky. Custom container view controllers are a great way to give your app a unique look and feel. Learn how to implement your own custom container view controller using the new API. We’ll build a page-flipping controller and cover the various gotchas that can arise along the way. The final product will be an open-source controller that you are free to use in your own apps or just study and take apart.

Title: Enter The Matrix

Abstract: Matrix transformations can make your user interfaces come to life: translate, scale, and rotate.  Each on its own is relatively simple and straightforward.  Yet many developers are daunted when 2 or more operations need to be combined.  What if you need to rotate or zoom about an off-center (or even off-screen) point?  How do you combine multiple transformations into a single animation?  How do you make advanced, polished 3D animations such as folding and flipping views?  Learn everything you need to know to get started with complex matrix transformations in CoreGraphics and CoreAnimation.  Tons of demos and full open-source source code provided.

CocoaConf Chicago wrap-up

I really enjoyed CocoaConf last weekend in Chicago,.  Dave Klein and his family really know how to put on a great conference: the sessions were informative, diverse, and entertaining, the venue was amenable and the hotel reasonably priced, the attendees were friendly, passionate, and eager to learn, and the whole atmosphere was one of community.  In addition to the technical learning, it was great to meet up with old developer friends and make new ones.

I debuted a new talk, “Enter The Matrix”, on using matrix transformations in drawing and animations (with obligatory, gratuitous references to the Matrix movies).  Based on the feedback, people seemed to enjoy it and find it helpful.  The talk includes a comprehensive sample app that contains 7 different demos.  My favorites are the Flip and Fold demos that involve rendering faux 3D animations in 2D courtesy of CATransform3D.  Slides can be downloaded here (latest version here), and you can follow the project on GitHub.

CocoaConf Chicago 2012

I’m pleased to announce that I will be speaking at CocoaConf in Chicago in March.  My talk will be about using matrix transformations of UI elements with a focus on animation.  It was inspired by some recent client work that involved quite a bit of rotating, scaling, and translating in the animations.

Title: Enter the Matrix
Abstract: Matrix transformations can make your user interfaces come to life: translate, scale, and rotate.  Each on its own is relatively simple and straightforward.  Yet many developers are daunted when 2 or more operations need to be combined.  What if you need to rotate or zoom about an off-center (or even off-screen) point?  How do you combine multiple transformations into a single animation?  Learn everything you need to know to get started with complex matrix transformations in CoreGraphics and CoreAnimation.