CocoaConf Chicago wrap-up

I really enjoyed CocoaConf last weekend in Chicago,.  Dave Klein and his family really know how to put on a great conference: the sessions were informative, diverse, and entertaining, the venue was amenable and the hotel reasonably priced, the attendees were friendly, passionate, and eager to learn, and the whole atmosphere was one of community.  In addition to the technical learning, it was great to meet up with old developer friends and make new ones.

I debuted a new talk, “Enter The Matrix”, on using matrix transformations in drawing and animations (with obligatory, gratuitous references to the Matrix movies).  Based on the feedback, people seemed to enjoy it and find it helpful.  The talk includes a comprehensive sample app that contains 7 different demos.  My favorites are the Flip and Fold demos that involve rendering faux 3D animations in 2D courtesy of CATransform3D.  Slides can be downloaded here (latest version here), and you can follow the project on GitHub.

Author: Mark

Mark is an American computer programmer living in Switzerland.