Lion Knight’s Castle Bag 7/26: We start our third section with what appears to be the beginnings of a water mill.
Tag: Castle
Castle Bag 6
Lion Knight’s Castle, Bag 6/26: We roof off the music room and add crenellations to the outer wall. The arrow slits were satisfying to build as is the way the angled sections fit together. Comes with a lady/nun and a lion knight who is also a woman.
Castle Bag 5
Lion Knight’s Castle, Bag 5/26: The two sections are attached and a music room with a fireplace is built above the kitchen. Above the hideout you get some straw to obscure the trap door and some wooden stairs.
Castle Bag 4
Lion Knight’s Castle, Bag 4/26: Secret dungeon hideout with a forestman minifig with a lute. The hideout has a table with a pair of stools, a map, some weapons, and of course something to drink. There’s a ladder up to a trapdoor in the ceiling.
Castle Bags 2-3
Lion Knight’s Castle, Bags 2-3/26: the kitchen complete with a cook minifig. I really enjoyed building the section of wall that’s pushed out at a 45° angle relative to the rest of the structure. Looks like this will form a turret or tower.
Castle Bag 1
Lion Knight’s Castle, Bag 1/26: some items for a medieval market with a farmer/peasant. My first LEGO cow!
Lion Knight’s Castle
I’m looking forward to building this.
Forest Hideout (40567)
Built this set today. It’s a modern remake of a 1988 Forestmen set.
Day 16: Flying Machine
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 16: Flying Machine (2539), 1998. WTF even is this thing? Same dude as yesterday only this time flying something far less cool. Oh well, at least it came with some black wings I can put on that dragon.
Day 15: Bat Lord
LEGO Quarantine Advent Calendar, Day 15: Bat Lord (6007), 1997. Basil the Bat Lord on his trusty dragon steed. Worth it for the dragon alone.