6827-1: Strata Scooter, 1987. Cute little rover with posable wings and antennae.
Category: Micro
6808: Galaxy Trekkor
6808-1: Galaxy Trekkor, 1987. Small flyer with posable wings.
1498 vs 6809
80’s robot buddies. Anybody remember the film “Short Circuit”?
1498: Spy-Bot
1498-1: Spy-Bot, 1987. Dorky-looking retro sci-fi robot. Nice articulation on the arms; the legs, not so much. 🤖
6809: XT-5 and Droid
6809-1: XT-5 and Droid, 1987. Blue astronaut in a small hover chair plus a robot companion. 💯
1499: Twin Starfire
1499-1: Twin Starfire, 1987. Smallish spaceship with canards and dual octagonal cockpits.
6940 vs 6901
Alien Moon Stalker is like the Mega EX evolved form of 1980’s Mobile Lab.
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Space 1986 Roundup
That’s it for the 15 LEGO Space sets released in 1986. Biggest year yet (again). Next up: 1987. 🚀
Large spaceships, 1978-86
Large spaceships, 1978-86
6985: Cosmic Fleet Voyager
6985-1: Cosmic Fleet Voyager, 1986. Third and final flagship of Classic Space. Large detachable rear base, rover with tools, four astronauts. 🚀