My son is away skiing for a week, which means I can get away with cooking stuff like this. 🐙
Category: Micro
Futuron Roundup
Futuron 1987-89 (17 sets)
Futuron 1989
That’s the 3rd and final wave of 5 Futuron sets for 1989. Next up: Space Police!
6850: Auxiliary Patroller
6850-1: Auxiliary Patroller, 1989. Wings can be tucked in beneath the canopy. I’m not so sure about making the center of the windshield opaque tho’
6810: Laser Ranger
6810-1: Laser Ranger, 1989. Small ship with posable wings and thrusters. Cool use of goblet pieces as thrusters.
Status: 2018-02-13 12.27.12
We’re currently working on The Adventure of Link (Zelda II).
Status: 2018-02-13 12.27.16
Last weekend we finished our play through of the original Legend of Zelda (NES Classic Mini). Also 💯!
Status: 2018-02-13 12.27.05
Finished playing through A Link To The Past with my son (SNES Classic Mini) 💯
1974: Triple Pack
Star Quest came packaged with Castle (Smuggler’s Hayride) and Town (Flyer Cracker USA) sets.
1974: Star Quest
1974-4: Star Quest, 1989. Cool flyer with movable wings.