Set 60431: Space Explorer Rover and Alien Life

A six-wheeled monster-truck looking space rover crewed by two astronauts (azure pilot and green scientist). The front two wheels have a bouncy shock absorbers while the rear four wheels have left-right independent suspension that should be perfect for moving over rough terrain. Two happy aliens sit within craters in a section of alien terrain that also holds one of those purple crystals the astronauts are exploiting as a power source. A small wheeled robot (powered by a purple battery cell) accompanies the astronauts and fits in the back of the rover. Unfortunately the rover rides so high that its back ramp doesn’t reach the ground, and the robot would need to drop the final meter or so. The rover itself is powered by two battery packs consisting of two cells each. The two astronauts get a camera and some binoculars to use, but the interior of the rover is so cramped that there’s no place to store them. I guess you just throw them in loose and have them rattle around. Overall a handsome vehicle that’s fun to bounce on its springs.

Box for LEGO City Space set 60431 Space Explorer Rover and Alien Life. Box depicts a 6-wheeled rover in white and black with orangish-red highlights piloted by a blue astronaut across alien terrain. In the background a green astronaut photographs some green aliens launching from a pair of dark tan craters. A small wheeled robot sits nearby.
Six-wheeled rover in white with black and reddish orange trim. With its raised suspension it looks a bit like a monster truck.
Green and azure-suited LEGO astronauts and a small wheeled robot flank a section of dark tan terrain with two craters. Happy looking 3-eyed lime green aliens sit in each crater.
Two LEGO astronauts help a small wheeled robot move down the back ramp of their large monster truck space rover. Sadly for the little robot the ramp doesn't even reach the ground because the rover sits so high.