Advent Speeder Bikes

Advent Speeder Bikes: 2023 vs 2018 vs 2014. Speeder Bikes have also appeared numerous times over the years. The 2014 version is done up as Santa’a sleigh complete with toy sack. (Fun fact: the 2018 speeder was photographed in the Amazon rain forest!) There was another bike in the 2021 calendar, but that year I must have been overwhelmed by life and never photographed anything past day 5.

LEGO micro-build of an Imperial Speeder Bike mostly done in brown and dark gray. The 2023 version is longer and sleeker than the others but lacks the front steering vanes.
LEGO micro-build of an Imperial Speeder Bike mostly done in brown and black. The 2018 version included front steering vanes a transparent brick to make it hover and a small green dish to act as a stand and be a tiny part of the Endor forest floor.
LEGO micro-build of an Imperial Speeder Bike mostly done in brown. The 2014 version is themed as a sort of Santa's sleigh with a sack on the back holding a red present with a white bow. It also has a small black pistol mounted on the rear for some inexplicable reason. Perhaps to shoot toy thieves!