Open Source work

As part of my role as iOS Chapter Lead at YML, I lead a team that builds reusable code that can be shared across projects to accelerate development, reduce bugs through the use of well-tested code, and inject accessibility features into projects with little additional overhead.
Animated GIF of two tags reading
Over the past year or so we have started releasing this code as a series of open source Swift packages on GitHub. To date we have released 14 Swift packages! The easiest way to view them is actually on the Swift Package Index.

These packages are already part of several shipping products. You might have used them to order your food, buy your groceries, sell your car, or schedule a doctor’s appointment.

I’m incredibly proud of this work and our little team. Every package in this collection is:

  • distributed as a Swift package
  • Apache 2.0 licensed
  • linted to identical standards (with SwiftLint, naturally)
  • highly unit tested (90–100% code coverage)
  • public apis 100% documented
  • includes an auto-generated documentation website hosted via GitHub Pages. (Example here) (courtesy of Jazzy)
  • protected through GitHub Actions to pass strict linting and unit tests

Over the next week I plan to write a series of posts that go into more detail on some of the projects. Many of them include some pretty cool accessibility features that I am proud to have shipped and to have included in apps that reach tens of millions of users.

Open Source Diaries