Markdown CV

About a month ago I decided I ought to dust off my CV and get it updated. My CV is a Pages document, and it always seems like my CV is 90% formatting and 10% content, which drives me crazy. I’m a developer; I believe in interoperability, open file formats, and of course making my life easier. It seems like I ought to be able to write my CV in Markdown or something and host it online instead of printing it out or having to email it to people.

(Apropos of being a developer: instead of simply updating my CV, I spend more time figuring out a “solution” to theoretically make updating my CV in the future easier.)

I did some Googling and came across this project to publish your CV in Markdown via GitHub Pages. This would let me have my CV in Markdown and have version control. 🎉🎉🎉🤣

So I forked the repo, rewrote my CV in Markdown, updated it with what I’ve been doing for the past 5 years, and published it on GitHub Pages. Then I put a top-level menu link to it on this website.

I’m not satisfied with the current formatting, but that’s just a CSS file I can adjust (but probably never will). I’m also not satisfied with the content (I think I need to improve the descriptions of the roles I’ve played in various projects). But overall I’m happy with it¹ for the following reasons:

      • Updated content
      • Markdown format
      • Hosted online (with link from front page of my website)
      • Version control

¹Never conflate being satisfied with being happy

Author: Mark

Mark is an American computer programmer living in Switzerland.