Space 1984

Space 1984
Space 1984

New Parts

Status: 2019-02-04 12.42.10

  • Blue and Black Spacemen: Join red, white, and yellow
  • Brick, Round 1 x 1 with Fins
  • Brick, Round 2 x 2 with Fins: Perfect for rockets and thrusters
  • Plate, Modified 1 x 4 Offset: offsets by 1/2 stud horizontally
  • Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Long Stud Receptacle (Space Wing): useful as wings or for mounting weapons and sensors
  • Bracket 3 x 2 – 2 x 2 (Space Seat): finally a seat that comfortably fits an astronaut with airtanks


Surface Rover (6804)

6804: Surface Rover
Features: Small rocket-propelled car with one astronaut and a walkie-talkie as an accessory.

Thoughts: This little guy is adorable! Very compact build debuts the new space seat, space wing, and rocket thruster parts.

Status: 2019-02-04 12.45.50 Status: 2019-02-04 12.45.53


Space Dart I (6824)

6824: Astro Dart I
Features: Small needle-nosed plane with dual antennas and one astronaut with a walkie-talkie as an accessory.

Thoughts: This small sleek fighter has thrusters and weapons to spare. First blue astronaut. ❤️ the transparent-red antenna on the nose. Liberal use of the new space wing part.

Status: 2019-02-04 12.46.49


Tri-Star Voyager (6846)

6846: Tri-Star Voyager
Features: Small blue and white ship with plenty of lasers. The rear white wings fold down to release an escape pod. One astronaut.

Thoughts: Uses seven of the new space wing pieces. I like the detachable escape pod.

6846: Tri-Star Voyager
6846: Tri-Star Voyager

Escape pod


Star Patrol Launcher (6871)

6871: Star Patrol Launcher

Features: Articulated ground vehicle that launches a small flying wedge. Comes with two astronauts and a video camera/bazooka for an accessory.

Thoughts: Another iteration on the launcher concept. This time with two astronauts, a blue ship, and balloon tires. I like the symmetry between the front ends of the ground vehicle and the spaceship. Bonus points for including a computer terminal on the ground vehicle.

6871: Star Patrol Launcher

6871: Star Patrol Launcher

6870 vs 6871
Star Patrol Launcher (1984) vs Space Probe Launcher (1981)


Lunar Rocket Launcher (6881)

6881: Lunar Rocket Launcher

Features: Articulated vehicle that carries a rocket on the trailer. Comes with one astronaut and a video camera/bazooka and a walkie-talkie for accessories.

Thoughts: Third iteration on the mobile rocket launcher concept. Hoses are a nice touch. ❤️ the rocket tip. The rocket is much more robust compared to the 1978 original. Again, nice to see a computer terminal.

6881: Lunar Rocket Launcher

Twin hoses for refueling

6881: Lunar Rocket Launcher

Mobile Rocket Launchers 1978-84

Mobile Rocket Launchers 1978-84


Uranium Search Vehicle (6928)

6928: Uranium Search Vehicle

Features: Jointed ground vehicle with a plethora of wheels and sensor arrays. Rear trailer has doors and roof that open to reveal a computer terminal. Comes with two astronauts.

Thoughts: I ❤️ this mobile lab! First black astronaut. Possibly my new fave. Sort of a cross between Surface Explorer (6880) and Mobile Lab (6901). I love the retro color scheme and all the little details such as the ladders for the astronauts to mount both the cab and trailer.

6928: Uranium Search Vehicle

Front cab with four sensor arrays

6928: Uranium Search Vehicle

Rear lab with computer terminal


Robot Command Center (6951)

6951: Robot Command Center

Features: Rover, scooter, rocket, and three astronauts all in a robot-shaped base!

Thoughts: Goofy and awesome in a 60′s sci-fi B-movie way. Who wouldn’t want a space base shaped like a top-heavy robot on skates with side beaks and arms on the legs?

6951: Robot Command Center

Scooter and rover

6951: Robot Command Center

Cockpit has plenty of computer terminals, room for two astronauts, and storage for two accessories. Plus twin sun roofs!

6951: Robot Command Center



Inter-Galactic Command Base (6971)

6971: Inter-Galactic Command Base

Features: Base with computers, sensors, opening roof for rocket repairs, rocket, scooter, spaceship and three astronauts.

Thoughts: 💯 This was the refresh of 1980′s Beta-I Command Base (6970). Many interesting parts debuted over the four years between them.

6971: Inter-Galactic Command Base

Rocket in the repair bay

6971: Inter-Galactic Command Base

Spaceship and scooter. No ground rover this time.

6971: Inter-Galactic Command Base

End-on view of the base and twin radar arrays

6971: Inter-Galactic Command Base

Inside the base are a pair of computer terminals

6971: Inter-Galactic Command Base

Back side view


These eight sets in my opinion form one of the strongest years of Classic Space set releases. Uranium Search Vehicle, Robot Command Center, and Inter-Galactic Command Base are all highlights.

Next: Space 1985!

My First Twitter Bot

I love Twitter bots. My favorite used to be the @iaminigomontoya bot that would reply to anyone tweeting the word “inconceivable”. 🤣

I’m also a fan of the @LegoSpaceBot (no real surprise there), which tweets pictures of old LEGO Space sets from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.

These are for the most part exactly the sets that I have been building for my LEGO Space Project for the past two years. So it turns out that I have built and taken photos of most of the sets that @LegoSpaceBot tweets about. I thought it would be fun to make a bot that sort of trolled the @LegoSpaceBot by quote retweeting (almost) every post with my photo of the built set together with a short comment.

After a bit of Googling I decided that I would write and host my bot at I needed to create a new Twitter account (@LEGOSpaceBotBot) and to sign up for the developer program. Glitch has multiple Twitter bot templates to choose from and lets you get started quickly by “remixing” one of their templates. I started with a template that tweeted random photos, but I also looked at templates that responded to other accounts. I would need both: to be able to search for tweets and to be able to post images.

JavaScript is … interesting. After working in Swift for the past year and a half, it’s quite the change. JS developers: respect.

The basic bot idea was to look at tweets from @LegoSpaceBot, find those which mention specific sets (some posts are of catalog pages), parse out the set number, and check to see whether I have a photo of that set. If it finds a match, then quote retweet that post with the photo and a random message. If no match is found then quote retweet with a different random message.

To avoid having to do too much work, I want it to keep track of the most recent tweet that it has successfully processed. This is written to a simple text file. I also wanted to make sure it only responds to the most recent tweet even if it has been offline for a period of time. (I wanted to make sure it didn’t accidentally respond to @LegoSpaceBot’s entire backlog of 8k+ tweets…)

I started out with an array of 8 phrases that would be chosen randomly to accompany each post. After the same phrase was randomly chosen for the second and third posts, I realized that I needed something a bit more advanced than just simply random. Fortunately, the author of the @LegoSpaceBot already solved this problem and has a good discussion of the issue here. The basic gist is to split the array into two halves and shuffle through one half before shuffling through the other half. That guarantees a minimum distance of N/2 between any repeats. So for my array of 8 phrases, any given phrase would be at least 4 tweets apart. (Obviously I need more phrases.) I adapted my randomizing method from the code here. This solution relies on being able to seed the randomizer, which to my surprise JavaScript.Math does not handle by default! Fortunately there’s an answer for that too and you can add seed functionality by including seedrandom.js from here.

En fin, I hereby present the LEGO Space Build Bot.