Three storks on a church rooftop in Eguisheim
Colorful medieval half-timbered houses of Riquewihr
Flip-flops vs hiking boots
Previous summers I’ve spent a lot of time coding in flip-flops at the pool (while my son did swim team), and while I may do a similar thing with the lake here, this summer I hope to log a significant amount of coding time in hiking boots up on a mountain.
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This has been my first summer working for myself, and the flexibility has really been great. (Previous summers I’ve worked from home with a relatively flexible schedule but as a full-time employee for someone else.)
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My son has a friend visiting from overseas for three weeks, so we’re trying to balance work, showing them around, and taking some summer vacation days. After all, I can’t let them stay inside and play Fortnite all day!
Lauterbrunnen Valley
It was also just a beautiful morning in the Lauterbrunnen Valley (aka Rivendell).
Trümmelbach Falls selfie
Trümmelbach Falls selfie. There was an impressive amount of water moving through these chutes.
Trümmelbach Falls
This morning we visited Trümmelbach Falls, a series of 10 glacier-fed waterfalls mostly hidden in a fissure in the wall of Lauterbrunnen Valley. Made me think of Henneth Annûn from the Lord of the Rings.
Roxy selfie
Browsing selfies took me to this early 2016 selfie taken with Roxy, our rescue St Bernard. I wish she would have lived to come to Switzerland with us.
Schilthorn selfie
Schilthorn selfie