Broccoli gone to seed. We’re keeping it because the bees seem to enjoy it and we figure there aren’t that many flowers around this time of year.
Mastodon inception
Still exploring the Mastodon client. I wonder what would happen if I block (or report) myself…
Jet d’Eau
Rainbow at the Jet d’Eau in Geneva today where I got to spend the afternoon with a wild
Paragliders above Wildspitz
Amazed that a cellphone camera can capture images like these.
First snow hike of the season
First hike in snow since the end of last winter. And I didn’t even have to leave the valley I live in. Wildspitz: 12.23km, 793m ascent, 3h37m, 8°C ⛅️
I’m posting this through, a service I have been paying to use since 2018. And content gets hosted on my blog. Just sayin’.
Goat Portrait
Apparently I take portrait photos of goats now
A Fine Goat
One mighty fine billy goat
Fly agaric
Pretty much the only mushroom I can identify in the field, the fly agaric.
Fantastic Fungus
Tried out the new 3x lens on this fantastic fungus I found in the forest today on a cold rainy day.