LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 1: First Order Star Destroyer. I like the more subdued playmat in this year’s calendar. I think it’s supposed to be Ahch-To?
Tag: Star Wars
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 2018 in Pictures (Partial)
Day 21: Speeder Bike
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 21: Speeder Bike. I got my Endor build! I like the green dish to suggest the forest floor.
Day 20: Zeta-Class Cargo Shuttle
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 20: Zeta-Class Cargo Shuttle. Same model as the titular Rogue One ship. It’s missing one wing because kids. Lost in the Amazon somewhere never to biodegrade.
Day 19: AT-ACT
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 19: AT-ACT. I love this walker. It’s a cargo-hauling version of a regular AT-AT, as seen in Rogue One.
Day 18: First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 18: First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter
Day 17: Guavian Death Gang Soldier
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 17: Guavian Death Gang Soldier. To be eaten by yesterday’s rathtar.
Day 16: Rathtar
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 16: Rathtar. My son initially thought this was a holiday Sarlaac. I like the way his mind works!
Day 15: Deathtrooper
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 15: Deathtrooper. That’s who yesterday’s weapon rack with long guns was for. (A tiny bit of Brazil is in the background.)
The final countdown
The final 10 days of the advent calendar will be photographed on location in Brazil (including several days in the Amazon rain forest – here’s hoping for something from Endor!).