Calendário do Advento LEGO Star Wars, Dia 19: Mynock. I like the subject matter and how they included its sucky mouth, but the colors are all over the place which makes it look more like some kind of found object LEGO art. In other words: more table scraps.
Tag: Star Wars
Rebel Troopers 2012 vs 2019
Rebel Fleet Trooper previously appeared in the Star Wars Advent Calendar in 2012. In that version he was grinning. I’m not sure what he had to grin about considering how things went down on the Tantive IV.
Day 18: Rebel Fleet Trooper
Calendário do Advento LEGO Star Wars, Dia 18: Rebel Fleet Trooper. Classic. He looks ready to be shot by Stormtroopers or be cut down by Vader.
Day 17: Escape Pod
Calendário do Advento LEGO Star Wars, Dia 17: Escape Pod. Decent, easily recognizable build.
Day 16: Trade Federation MTT
Calendário do Advento LEGO Star Wars, Dia 16: Trade Federation MTT. This brown turd of a build is another Prequel Trilogy droid army vehicle. Yawn.
Day 15: Battle Droid
Calendário do Advento LEGO® Star Wars™, Dia 15: Battle Droid. The dreaded Battle Droid. It’s like getting a minifig only way, way lamer. At least they had the decency to throw in a blaster.
Day 14: Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
Calendário do Advento LEGO® Star Wars™, Dia 14: Corporate Alliance Tank Droid. Not bad for a Prequel Trilogy vehicle.
Day 13: Mouse Droid
Calendário do Advento LEGO® Star Wars™, Dia 13: Mouse Droid. A perfect companion for yesterday’s Imperial Gunner. Not sure why it’s not all black though.
Day 12: Imperial Gunner
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 12: Imperial Gunner. Perfect for firing the Death Star. I love the helmet. Shot on location in Brazil.
Day 11: Death Star Turret
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 11: Death Star Turret. Surprisingly hefty little micro-scale build. Finally something from the Original Trilogy. 👍