Vector Detector, 1990. Small spaceship that hauls a crate using magnets. Clever locking mechanism for the canopy. ❤️🖤💛
Mark Pospesel (Coding and Other Stuff)
Coding, tech, living abroad, travel, hiking, vintage plastic bricks
Vector Detector, 1990. Small spaceship that hauls a crate using magnets. Clever locking mechanism for the canopy. ❤️🖤💛
Beacon Tracers in Blacktron, Blacktron II, and Ice Planet color schemes, respectively .
Beacon Tracer, 1990. Small rover canted at an angle with a canopy that opens.
M:Tron were the engineers and construction workers of LEGO Space. Their ships were primarily red, black, and transparent neon yellow-green.
Pulsar Charger (6811) box alternates
Pulsar Charger, 1990. Small flyer with a retro steering wheel.
Meteor Monitor in the classic black with yellow color scheme and modified to have an attachment point to connect with other Blacktron sets.
Meteor Monitor, 1990. This small Blacktron flyer was part of a 3-set value pack. The color scheme differed from earlier Blacktron sets.
That’s it for the 11 space sets from 1989 (5 Futuron + 6 Space Police). Next up: 1990 and the power of magnets!
That’s the 6 sets of Space Police from 1989.