These are the 5 LEGO Space sets from 1995 (1 Spyrius + 1 other + 3 Unitron). What does 1996 hold in store for the intrepid builder?
Category: LEGO
Unitron pods
Each Unitron set featured an interchangeable cockpit pod that would fit the other sets (the monorail came with two).
Unitron Roundup
Unitron, 1994-95 (4 sets)
Space bases 1991-95
Space bases 1991-95
Space Station Zenon details
Space Station Zenon details
Space Station Zenon
Space Station Zenon, 1995. The Unitron base features a heavily-armed rover, a spaceship, a large mounted cannon/radar, two sensor emplacements half-hidden by rocks, a hidden computer panel, and a sparse central base shielded by a large blue quarter dome.
Large spaceships 1992-95
Large spaceships 1992-95
Star Hawk II
Star Hawk II, 1995. This armored spaceship reminds me of a Cylon raider. Like all Unitron sets, there’s a detachable pod. Extendable weapons/sensor stalks are hidden on either side. Comes with an extra astonaut wielding some sort of laser gun/scanner.
Large ground vehicles 1990-95
Large ground vehicles 1990-95
Crater Cruiser
Crater Cruiser, 1995. Six-wheeled, dual cockpit ground vehicle. One cockpit detaches as a separate spaceship and the rear thruster swings forward to act as a laser cannon.