Blacktron remixes: Renegade + Invader
Author: Mark
6954: Renegade
6954-1: Renegade, 1987. Asymmetrical Blacktron flagship separates into 9 components! 💯
Monorail extended layout
Just for kicks an expanded track layout for the Futuron monorail that my son pieced together today.
Invader + Battrax
A selling point for the first wave of Blacktron sets was compatibility of modules between sets. Here are 3 Invader + Battrax combos.
6941: Battrax
6941-1: Battrax, 1987. A space hot rod / dragster! Kudos to whoever dreamed up this one. Modular ground vehicle that splits into 3 parts.
Blacktron logo
Blacktron had their own logo too, sort of an inverted triforce (only not equilateral).
Blacktron minifigs
Futuron felt like an evolution of the original Classic Space astronauts, but Blacktron were their own new faction. Darker than prior sets.
6894: Invader
6894-1: Invader, 1987. Blacktron mid-sized ship. Modular with front cockpit, mid cargo container, and rear engine sections. 🖤💛
Futuron 1987
That’s the first wave of 5 Futuron sets, but I’m still not done with 1987. Next up, my personal favorite sub-theme: Blacktron.
6990 Loading Dock
Sliding/rotating loading dock, implemented via another Technic rack winder. 💙 those large transparent quarter dome pieces.