Hiking Group: Lättich

Lättich towards Blickensdorf

20 March 2019
7.7 km, 160 m ascent, 1h20m, 2°C
It’s been about two and a half months since my last Tuesday group hike. Some of the absences were due to scheduling conflicts, but mostly it was because I chose to go skiing instead. This was a nice easy hike to get back into shape for more hiking this Spring.

This was a pleasant fast walk through farm fields and woods. No high mountains or spectacular views, but good enough and relatively close to home.

Route map from my watch:

Lattich Map

Ethereum training day 3

On the third and final day of my Ethereum Developer Training course, I implemented my first DApp: TWTL, a decentralized version of Twitter on the blockchain. Funniest part is that you have to pay transaction costs for each post. It’s sure to catch on soon!

Black eye

Always nice to have a black eye and a bandage on your face when meeting potential business contacts for the first time. Maybe I should say it’s from a bar fight or a run-in with an ibex.