I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking at iOSDevCampDC in Reston, VA on August 11. This is a single track, single day mini-conference (for a mini price, just $50) that brings together a lot of DC-area developers. It’s on a Saturday, so work conflicts are minimal. Ticket sales end this Saturday (July 14), so if you’d like to go, act soon.
Update: registration has been extended until July 24.
I will be doing my “Enter The Matrix” presentation on matrix transformations, but I’ll probably fine-tune it to the more advanced audience I expect to quickly review the basics and then spend more time examining flipping and folding animations (and related ephemera such as anti-aliasing, avoiding off-screen render passes, shadows, rendering retina images, etc.)
So if you’re in the area (or will be), I hope to see you there! (Seriously, for $50 you can’t beat the price for 6 technical sessions plus the opportunity to network with a cadre of local devs.)